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Legal Mention | Ferme du Bellet

Legal Mention

 1 - Identification of the site
Internet address:

Publisher site: Ferme Du Bellet
22 rue du oven, 80560 AUCHONVILLERS

Publication Director: Maxime DELATTRE


2 - Personal information
The personal information collected on this site is intended FERME DU BELLET society.
Accordance with the law "and Freedoms" of January 6, 1978:

3 - Cookies
The site uses cookies.

4 - Content - Intellectual Property
The Site is owned and operated by Ferme du Bellet.

All components of the site to include trademarks, logos, domain names, illustrations, animations, videos, sounds, text, and other distinctive signs appearing on the Site are protected by legislation force on intellectual property and copyright, and are owned by farm bellet or are subject to an authorization of use.

No license and no right other than to consult the site, is granted to any person in respect of intellectual property rights.

All rights are reserved. Reproduction of site documents is authorized solely for informative purposes for personal and private use: any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

Any unauthorized use of the Site or its content will engage the responsibility of the user and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.

5 - Responsibility

Farm bellet society may, at any time and without notice, to correct, clarify or update the contents of its website.

The Ferme du Bellet company disclaims all responsibility:

for any inaccuracy, error or failure to update information pictures.
for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information provided on the website.

More generally, the company's firm bellet disclaims any liability for any damages, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences.

6 - Hyperlinks
The Site may contain links to other sites whose farm bellet is not the publisher. User is informed and accepts that the company farm bellet is not responsible for the availability of these sites, does not control, approve, nor is responsible for the contents, advertising, products or other materials available on or through such sites. These links are provided as a service. As a result, the decision to use a link to another site is made under the sole responsibility of the user. He is responsible for taking the necessary precautions to avoid contamination by including one or more viruses.

The company farm bellet also assumes responsibility for websites that link to the site by hyperlink advise or consultation. Any hypertext link to the website must also be a written permission from the company farm bellet.

7 - Site Availability
You are informed that the site bellet Farm is accessible 24 hours on 24 and 7 days out of 7, with the exception of cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to telecommunications networks or technical difficulties.

For maintenance reasons, the company farm bellet may suspend access to the site.

Http:// site is optimized for the following browsers Internet Explorer version 7, Firefox and Safari version 4 with a minimum display resolution of 2500 pixels in width.

The company farm bellet reserves the right to change or modify the terms and conditions and the content of this site at any time and without notice.

8 - Data Protection
Accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, this site has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (n ° F).

During your visit to this Site, you may be asked to enter personal information about you (name, address, occupation, phone number, email address, etc.)..

The company undertakes bellet not sell to any third party postal and email addresses in its possession for the purposes of systematic dissemination of advertising messages. The company is however bellet may store and process the data collected in an automated way to contact you and inform, as appropriate, the launch of products, services or commercial activities.

9 - Law and Jurisdiction
The Site and its contents are subject to French law.